Schulhaus Europa ha concluso con successo numerosi progetti Erasmus+, come pure progetti finanziati dal Fondo Asilo Migrazione e Integrazione (FAMI).

Az. chiave 1: Mobilità individuale per l’apprendimento

Schulhaus Europa collabora con licei italiani, spagnoli e francesi come organizzazione intermediaria.

Dal 2017 ad oggi sono venuti a Lipsia oltre 300 ragazzi da licei professionali, tecnici e linguistici, dove hanno svolto tirocini presso le aziende cittadine per periodi da 1 a 6 mesi. I nostri compiti consistono nella ricerca dei tirocini, degli alloggi e nella gestione e assistenza dei partecipanti durante il loro soggiorno.

In dettaglio:

  • KA102 per la Mobilità degli allievi e del personale dell’Istruzione e formazione professionale
  • KA 105 per la Mobilità dei giovani
  • Progetti ERASMUS-EDU: nell’area dell’istruzione digitale
  • FAMI: Fondo asilo migrazione e integrazione

Fondo asilo, migrazione e integrazione (FAMI) (2014-2020)

Il Fondo asilo, migrazione e integrazione (FAMI) sostiene le attività, a livello nazionale ed europeo, che promuovono l’integrazione nella società di cittadini di paesi terzi provenienti da diversi contesti economici, sociali, culturali, religiosi, linguistici ed etnici. Esso si occupa, in primis, dell’assistenza di cittadini di paesi terzi appena arrivati. Gli stati membri dell’Unione Europea e le organizzazioni della società civile saranno sostenute nell’ampliamento delle loro competenze, così come nello sviluppo, nella realizzazione, nel monitoraggio e nella valutazione di strategie, politiche e misure di integrazione. Oltre a promuovere l’uguaglianza delle opportunità per i cittadini di paesi terzi nei settori dell’istruzione, del lavoro e della partecipazione sociale, queste misure servono a favorire una cultura dell’accoglienza e del riconoscimento.

I progetti finanziati con fondi FAMI (Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione) hanno l’obiettivo di      “contribuire alla gestione efficace dei flussi migratori e all’attuazione, al rafforzamento e allo sviluppo della politica comune di asilo, protezione sussidiaria e protezione temporanea e della politica comune dell’immigrazione, nel pieno rispetto dei diritti e dei principi riconosciuti dalla Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea”.

I progetti prevedono azioni formative finalizzate a far acquisire allo straniero un adeguato livello di conoscenza della lingua del paese in cui si è rifugiato al fine di facilitare il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di integrazione e cittadinanza attraverso la trasmissione di competenze alfabetiche.

Dal 2017 ad oggi abbiamo collaborato ai seguenti progetti:

  • SET UP- Migrant Woman
  • En_Pathy – Supporting care system for migrant children

Progetti conclusi

ERASMUS+ Azione chiave 1 (KA1): Mobilità per l’apprendimento individuale e di staff

ERASMUS+ Key action 1 – Mobility project for VET learners and staff

  • BBuM+: Buds Budding Mobility Plus


Coordinator: Provincia di Grosseto

Objectives: The participants will develop the life skill needed to be full citizens and to be integrated quickly into the working world. They will have possibility to develop the green skill to accompany the growth of sustainable Europe.

  • M2M: Move to Market internationalization developing new skills and new competences for VET learners


Coordinator: Consorzio Arezzo Formazione ABACO

Objectives: The participants involved will be able to carry out a training and professionalizing experience in international environments, which will enable them to equip themselves with a mix of interdisciplinary and interconnected skills.

  • Taste IT: Training Agrifood Students Through European InTernships



Objectives: TASTE IT responds to the competitiveness and internationalization needs of our enterprises and, at the same time, it offers to young people tools for growing as individuals and for facing the labor market with better perspectives and with a portfolio of validated skills and experiences in a clear, recognizable and readable way.

  • Login2EU: Logistic International Training Opportunities in Europe



Objectives: Acquiring and reinforcing participants’ technical-professional skills related to the logistics industry, with particular attention to logistics and transport, electronics, information technology, mechanics, mechatronics and automation, development of good opportunities to enter in the labour market.

  • SMartGoldSkills: European mobility to develop Skills for a Smart Manufacturing Gold Sector


Coordinator: Arezzo Innovazione

Objectives: SMartGoldSkills intends to contribute to the increase of employability of young people attending, or have recently completed a course of study in the professional institutions, through two actions: mobility for students of the fourth year and graduates.

  • GREEN-APP: Valorizzazione delle filiere Green nell’Appennino del Centro Italia



Objectives:The participants expected GREEN skills acquisition and their formal recognition, Increased level of employability in GREEN sectors, development of intercultural awareness and active citizenship also in environmental sustainability key.

  • Energie training in Europe – Faepac 2016 for Students and Staff


Objectives: Improving professional skills and competences in the energy sector, having as a result a higher employability and improved career prospects. Developing new teaching methods, having as a result an improvement in the curricular training of learners.

  • S.E.T. UP: Share, Experiment and Transfer service model to Uphold Persons from Third Countries

– O.S. 2 “Integration /legal migration “- O.N. 2.2 “Integration” – Territorial Notice for the promotion of comparison between the integration policies developed in Italy and in other Member States

Coordinator: NOSOTRAS Onlus

Objectives: In Tuscany are various communities of migrants coming from the most different countries: Romania, Egypt, Albania, Morocco, Senegal, Peru. To make sure that there can be developed the appropriate policies and services for the protection of the most vulnerable categories of the foreigners, we intend to promote the comparison between the existing policies and practices in 3 Member States involved for the purpose of the transfer and the capitalization of the best practices. The project S.E.T.U.P.  intends to answer to the emerging needs to identify and experiment the initiatives and services that can make better the social and relationship life of people living in the territory.

S.E.T.UP è un progetto realizzato con fondi FAMI.

  • TE.BE: Mobilità transnazionale per il settore del TErmale e del BEnessere

Coordinator: CONFAO – Consorzio Nazionale per la Formazione, l’Aggiornamento e l’Orientamento


The project intends to offer an opportunity to the students and graduates to obtain an educational and professional experience in foreign companies that operate in the tourism sector of spa and wellness.

Objectives: The participants involved will be able to carry out a training and professionalizing experience in international environments, which will enable them to equip themselves with a mix of interdisciplinary and interconnected skill.

  • EAT II: Empowering Agribusiness Training in Emilia 2

Coordinator: Comune di Correggio


Objectives: To respond to the competitiveness and internationalization needs of Italian enterprises and offers to young people tools for growing as individuals and facing the labor market with better perspectives and with a portfolio of validated skills and experiences in a clear, recognizable and readable way.

Progetti realizzati in collaborazione con „italnet Marketing“:

  • MechMob – Mechanical&Mechatronics Mobility



Objectives: Acquire and develop technical, professional, linguistic and intercultural skills in the fields mechanical and mechatronics. Encouraging the development of key competences for lifelong learning, as well as language and soft skills that will help the young students to face their future with greater determination and ability to succeed in a European labor market.

  • 3DGoldSkills – European mobility to develop Skills and knowledges in Gold manufacturing sector


Coordinator: Consorzio Arezzo Innovazione

Objectives: improving the participants’ life and soft-skills, that will help them to be included in the labour market and hard skills, which could be useable in the GOLDSMITH field. In this way, the local businesses will be able to find, within the local labour market, trained and highly Europeanized young people, who will be able to support their business decisions of high strategic impact.

  • GreenS&Co – Green-Skills&Competences for a sustainable development


Coordinator: Istituto Istruzione Superiore Bandini

Objectives: Carry out mobility actions for young people in the field of Green economy. The planned activities are aimed at improving the participants’ life and soft-skills that will help them to be included in the labour market and hard skills related to their curriculum, which could be also useable across the green economy sector.

  • MOVET 2.0. – Mobility for Vocational and Educational Training 2.0.


Coordinator: Provincia di Reggio Emilia

Objectives: Develop life skills necessary to become fully-fledged European citizens and to enter the EU labour market. In particular ICT skills and potential of Web 2.0. To respond to the need of competitiveness and internationalization of the companies and offers to young people tools to grow as individuals and enter the labour market with better perspectives and a portfolio of validated skills and experiences clear, recognizable and readable in the contexts of education, training and work.

  • Move for Trade – Mobility in Vocational and Educational Training for the Development of Enterprises international competitiveness


Coordinator: Istituto Scaruffi Levi Tricolore

Objectives: Develop a training and professional experience in an international learning framework, that will give them the opportunity to equip with a mix of interdisciplinary and interconnected competences. Furthermore, the project foresees the experimentation of the German dual system (training activity to be developed both in class and inside the company), planning a professional competency learning process based on the combination of theory (school) and practice (apprenticeship).

  • YouLMob – Young Learners Mobility


Coordinator: Consorzio Arezzo Formazione ABACO

Objectives: Enable young people to experiment, to observe closely and from inside the world of work in an international context, both for training and counselling purposes in respect to their professional future.

  • ProMani_Eco

Leonardo Da Vinci

POR OB. 2 F.S.E 2007-2013

Coordinator: Consorzio Arezzo Innovazione/Polilab

Objectives: Promote manufacturing industry innovation in an eco-sustainable key for students and entrepreneurs.

Progetti 2017

  • Empowering Youth Workers – Faepac 2016

Promotore: Fundación Axencia Enerxética Provincial da Coruña, FAEPAC in collaborazione con il Consorcio de Centros de Formación Profesional e INTEGRA Consultoria.


Data: 2016-18

Obiettivo: offrire mobilità a studenti neodiplomati e al personale docente al fine di offrire una prima esperienza lavorativa in diverse imprese europee e facilitare l’orientamento professionale, rafforzando le competenze tecniche e linguistiche, interculturali e sociali.

  • TE.BE: Mobilità transnazionale per il settore del TErmale e del BEnessere

Promotore: CONFAO – Consorzio Nazionale per la Formazione, l’Aggiornamento e l’Orientamento


Data: 2016 – 2018

Obiettivo: offrire l’opportunità a studenti e a neo-laureati del Lazio, Toscana, Lombardia, Puglia, Veneto a Piemonte di avere un’esperienza professionale e educativa in aziende europee operanti nel settore turismo e wellness.

  • EAT II: Empowering Agribusiness Training in Emilia 2

Promotore: Comune di Correggio


Data: 2016-2018

Obiettivo: offrire ai partecipanti l’opportunità di sviluppare le capacità necessarie per diventare un cittadino europeo e integrarsi il più rapidamente possibile nel mercato del lavoro ottimizzando le loro prospettive ed ampliando il loro portfolio di abilità ed esperienze

Progetti 2016 (in collaborazione con italnet Marketing)

  • MechMob – Mechanical&Mechatronics Mobility


Data: 2015 – 2016


Obiettivo: acquisire e sviluppare abilità tecniche, professionali, linguistiche e interculturali nei settori meccanica e meccatronica. Promuovere lo sviluppo di competenze chiave per l’apprendimento permanente, come pure per le lingue e le abilità trasversali che possono aiutare I giovani ad affrontare il futuro con determinazione e abilità e penetrare il mercato europeo.

  • 3DGoldSkills – European mobility to develop Skills and knowledges in Gold manufacturing sector


Data: 2015-2017

Coordinator: Consorzio Arezzo Innovazione

Objectives: improving the participants’ life and soft-skills, that will help them to be included in the labour market and hard skills, which could be useable in the GOLDSMITH field. In this way, the local businesses will be able to find, within the local labour market, trained and highly Europeanized young people, who will be able to support their business decisions of high strategic impact.

  • GreenS&Co – Green-Skills&Competences for a sustainable development


Data: 2015-2016

Coordinator: Istituto Istruzione Superiore Bandini

Objectives: carry out mobility actions for young people in the field of Green economy. The planned activities are aimed at improving the participants’ life and soft-skills that will help them to be included in the labour market and hard skills related to their curriculum, which could be also useable across the green economy sector.

  • MOVET 2.0. – Mobility for Vocational and Educational Training 2.0.


Data: 2015-2017

Coordinator: Provincia di Reggio Emilia

Objectives: to develop life skills necessary to become fully-fledged European citizens and to enter the EU labour market. In particular ICT skills and potential of Web 2.0. To respond to the need of competitiveness and internationalization of the companies and offers to young people tools to grow as individuals and enter the labour market with better perspectives and a portfolio of validated skills and experiences clear, recognizable and readable in the contexts of education, training and work.

  • Move for Trade – Mobility in Vocational and Educational Training for the Development of Enterprises international competitiveness


Data: 2015

Coordinator: Istituto Scaruffi Levi Tricolore

Objectives: develop a training and professional experience in an international learning framework, that will give them the opportunity to equip with a mix of interdisciplinary and interconnected competences. Furthermore, the project foresees the experimentation of the German dual system (training activity to be developed both in class and inside the company), planning a professional competencies learning process based on the combination of theory (school) and practice (apprenticeship).

Progetti 2015 (in collaborazione con italnet Marketing)

  • YouLMob – Young Learners Mobility


Data: 2014-2015

Coordinator: Consorzio Arezzo Formazione ABACO

Obiettivo: contribuire alla crescita personale e professionale dei giovani, allo sviluppo del concetto di cittadinanza europea e allo sviluppo dei sistemi economici locali, attraverso la diffusione delle key competences e l’apprendimento di competenze specifiche in linea con le esigenze di competitività delle imprese. Queste competenze contribuiscono a far acquisire ai nostri studenti strumenti per adattarsi in modo flessibile a un mondo in rapido mutamento e caratterizzato da forte interconnessione, quindi ad aumentarne le possibilità occupazionali.

Objective: To enable young people to experiment, to observe closely and from inside the world of work in an international context, both for training and counselling purposes in respect to their professional future.

Progetti 2014 (in collaborazione con italnet Marketing)

  • ProMani_Eco – Promuovere l’innovazione del settore manifatturiero in chiave eco-sostenibile

CUP 78942 – Asse V Transnazionalità-Interregionalità

POR OB. 2 F.S.E 2007-2013

Coordinator: Consorzio Arezzo Innovazione/Polilab

Azione 1: mobilità per studenti

Obiettivi: realizzazione di stage formativi in azienda, esperienze destinate a favorire l’acquisizione di competenze, l’inserimento lavorativo e il trasferimento tecnologico nell’ambito del design sostenibile.

Azione 2: Missione imprenditoriale


Obiettivo: offrire agli imprenditori e/o amministratori, dei percorsi professionali all’estero su tematiche di sostenibilità ed innovazioni green, relative al loro specifico settore di lavoro, al fine di permettergli di innovare le loro attività in chiave eco-sostenibile e dare nuovi impulsi alle loro attività.